
Our platform was built to be flexible and intuitive for developers like you. You own all the data you collect with Tradable Bits. Our API and SDK are designed to make it easy to access your fan data, tickets and campaigns at any time, on your terms. Customize the front end of any of your campaigns with the help of our documentation, complete with examples. Our RESTful API helps you access, send or receive fan data from our system to your endpoints quickly and securely. Enrich your Fan CRM and Tickets Analytics with data from other CRM systems through our many integrations. Have any questions about our developers platform? Our support team is happy to help.

Campaign Javascript Events

Campaigns fire custom javascript events at certain points during fan interaction. Use jQuery to listen in on those events

Example: Listen in on when the entry form loads:

$(document).on('tbits.formLoad', function () {
    alert('Form has loaded');


Event Description
tbits.formLoad The entry form has loaded.
tbits.submit The fan has submitted their entry form.
tbits.submitSuccess The ajax call to submit the form has succeeded.
tbits.load Options are loaded.
tbits.countdownDone Campaign time countdown has completed
tbits.selectOption Fan has selected an option.
tbits.pingServer Fires when campaign page loads
tbits.tinfoilDisplay The "cookies are required" message has been displayed to the fan because they have disabled cookies.
tbits.tinfoilClick Fan has clicked Continue in the "cookies are required" message.
Calendar Quiz & Google Trivia
tbits.loadAllResults Results are loaded.
tbits.showResult Result shown.
Coupon Book
tbits.claimCouponSuccess The ajax call to claim the coupon has succeeded.
tbits.authentication Page has loaded the first time.
tbits.fanxpOff Producer has set the state to Off.
tbits.fanxpStaging Producer has set the state to Staging.
tbits.fanxpActive Producer has set the state to Active.
tbits.fanxpFinished Producer has set the state to Finished.
tbits.live_update Some live update is delivered via websocket.
tbits.customTabSelected A fan has opened your custom sidebar tab.
tbits.homeTabSelected A fan has opened your home sidebar tab.
tbits.shopifyTabSelected A fan has opened your Shopify sidebar tab.
tbits.addToCart.{productHandle} A fan has added {productHandle} to their cart.
tbits.modifyCartProductQuantity.{productHandle}.{quantity} A fan has modified the quantity for {productHandle} in their cart.
tbits.removeFromCart.{productHandle} A fan has removed {productHandle} from their cart.
tbits.checkoutCart A fan has proceeded to checkout.
tbits.clickerFinish A clicker instance has ended.
tbits.questionAnswerSubmitted A fan has submitted an answer for a question.
tbits.customFieldSubmitted A fan has submitted a response for a custom field.
tbits.fanxpLogout A fan has triggered a logout.
tbits.schedulerLogout A fan has triggered a logout from the scheduler.
tbits.guestLogin A guest user triggered registration.
tbits.notificationSoundsMuted A fan has chosen to mute notifications via profile settings.
tbits.notificationSoundsUnmuted A fan has chosen to unmute notifications via profile settings.
tbits.notificationMuteSidebar A fan has chosen to mute sidebar videos via profile settings.
tbits.notificationUnmuteSidebar A fan has chosen to unmute sidebar videos via profile settings.
Live Trivia
tbits.LiveTriviaOff Producer has set the state to Off.
tbits.LiveTriviaPending Producer has set the state to Pending.
tbits.LiveTriviaActive Producer has set the state to Active.
tbits.LiveTriviaFinished Producer has set the state to Finished.
tbits.showQuestion Question has been shown.
tbits.abortQuestion Question has been aborted by the producer.
Survivor Quiz
tbits.outOfTime Fan failed to answer the question before the time ran out.
Dream Team
tbits.renderPosition The next position has been rendered.
Please contact us and we'll be happy to help you to customize your Campaigns.