Our platform was built to be flexible and intuitive for developers like you. You own all the data you collect with Tradable Bits. Our API and SDK are designed to make it easy to access your fan data, tickets and campaigns at any time, on your terms. Customize the front end of any of your campaigns with the help of our documentation, complete with examples. Our RESTful API helps you access, send or receive fan data from our system to your endpoints quickly and securely. Enrich your Fan CRM and Tickets Analytics with data from other CRM systems through our many integrations. Have any questions about our developers platform? Our support team is happy to help.
Tradable Bits Server API
Most of CRM Data can be accessed with our HTTP based API. Calls should be sent as application/x-www-form-urlencoded and will return JSON data. Authentication is handled using API Keys. The system recognises two form of keys: Public and Secret. Public is meant to be shared and can be used in insecure environments whereas Secret key is reserved for server-to-server communications and must be kept private. Api keys can be sent either in the request body as api_key and api_secret or as headers using Api-Key and Api-Secret. You can manage key under profile section once you log into Tradable Bits.
API Console
API Access allows you to query Stream and user data using RESTful API, as well as register for push notification from our CRM system. API Reference is broken into sections by topic: Meta Apps (Campaigns) Data, Stream Data, CRM Data.
Each Request must include api_key as parameter. You can generate an API key in the Manage Centre.
You may try most of our API calls here. Your API Key will be automatically appended if available.
Segments Calls
Required Scope: segments
List available segments on the account. Will return three types of segments: tags, snapshots, and existing search filters
Array of Objects
Resulting Structure
segment_type | tag/filter/snapshot |
segment_id | If on the segment. ID is unique with in corresponding segment type |
segment_name | Character descriptor for the segment |
Required Scope: segments
Obtain the status of a given segment including metrics on the size and fans
Dictionary with following metrics
Resulting Structure
fan_count | |
email_count | |
phone_count | |
phone_subscribe_count | |
email_subscribe_count | |
last_update_timestamp | Update for the last update of the fan |
Required Scope: segments
Get list of fans tied to the segment. Object returned is minimalistic object as it's meant to be used for communication
Input Parameters
search_uid | Has to be supplied to get additional records. Currently result set may be limited and will return search_uid if paging is required |
limit | Max size of the page. Values from 0 to 10000 are supported. If skipped, 1000 will be used |
Dictionary with meta and data elements. meta may include search_uid if output has to be paged.
Resulting Structure
fan_id | Primary key for the fan |
phone | |
first_name | |
last_name | |
is_subscribed | Boolean flag on whether there is explicit opt-in into email comm |
is_phone_subscribed | Boolean flag on whether there is explicit opt-in into SMS comm |
Crm Calls
Required Scope: crm
Aggregate Call to obtain counters based on the custom values in fan activities
Input Parameters
campaign_title | Name of custom campaign |
property_name | Name of the property to track |
Array of Counters
Resulting Structure
account_id | |
campaign_title | |
property_name | |
counter |
Required Scope: crm
Get a list of Campaigns on the account.
Input Parameters
q | Text based filter to specific campaigns |
Array of structures
Resulting Structure
account_id | |
title | |
page_tab_id | |
stream_key | |
app_type | |
is_active | |
creation_timestamp | |
winner_fan_id |
Required Scope: crm
Download incremental list of activities for the account.Paging is implemented with help of usage of max_activity_id and mix_activity_id parameters. In the first call, system will include in meta information about given IDs. Now, by supplying min_activity_id you can fetch next batch of records.
Input Parameters
min_activity_id | Window Specifier. Will return only activities with activity_id greater than given |
max_activity_id | Window Specifier. Will return only activities with activity_id less than given |
limit | Optional parameter to specify max row count. Max. allowed value is 200 |
page_tab_id | Optional Filter to participants of specific campaign |
activity_date | Optional Filter to participants for specific date |
include_details | Boolean flag to include additional details: fan, idols, connections. Default = False |
Structure: {'meta': { 'order':'desc/asc','min_activity_id':xxx,'max_activity_id':xxx},'data':[] }. Data is array with following elements
Resulting Structure
activity_id | Unique Identifier for the activity |
account_id | Tradable Bits Account ID |
fan_id | Unique Identifier for the fan record |
creation_date | ISO Date of activity |
campaign_title | Title of the campaign |
app_type | For contests - type of contest |
page_tab_id | Contest ID reference (set for contests only) |
opted_in_business_ids | Opted in business ids of the fan |
is_subscribed | Opted in to Email Marketing |
is_phone_subscribed | Opted in to SMS Marketing |
creation_timestamp | ISO timestamp of activity |
page_tab_id | Campaign ID reference |
stream_key | If activity is tied to stream - reference for stream |
ip_address | IP Address |
user_key | Facebook/Spotify/etc User Key |
name | Full Name |
details | JSON structure of campaign details (varies by campaign) |
fan | Fan Structure as per documentation |
networks | List of connected networks |
idol_names | List of connected Idols |
Required Scope: crm
Submit new Activity as well as Fan details for data integration
Input Parameters
first_name | |
last_name | |
email * | |
phone | |
campaign_title | |
province | |
postal_code | |
country_code | |
is_subscribed | |
is_phone_subscribed |
Structure matching the input with validated fields
Required Scope: crm
Fetch top 10 performing fans for a campaign
Input Parameters
show_hidden | Show fans who are hidden from the public leaderboard in the campaign. Default = False |
limit | Limit the number of fans fetched from the leaderboard. Default = 10 |
An array of structures with following fields
Resulting Structure
rank | Leaderboard rank |
fan_id | Unique Identifier for the fan record |
display_name | |
is_hidden | If the fan is hidden from the public leaderboard in the campaign (If applicable) |
activity_timestamp | Timestamp of when the fan completed the activity (If applicable) |
points | Number of points gained in the campaign (If applicable) |
balance | Balance within the campaign (If applicable) |
activity_duration_ms | Length of time spent for the campaign activity in ms (If applicable) |
correct_count | Number of questions answered correctly (If applicable) |
Required Scope: crm
Fetch a list of existing crm fan tags for the purposes of synchronization. Request is limited to 10000 records max in a single result set.
Input Parameters
start_date | Window Specifier. Will return only tags with creation timestamp greater than given |
end_date | Window Specifier. Will return only tags with creation timestamp less than given |
Resulting Structure
tag_name | |
tag_id | |
fan_id | |
creation_timestamp | |
first_name | |
last_name | |
Required Scope: crm
Search for Fan records using CRM Search interface
Input Parameters
include_recent_entry | Include latest campaign into payload on result |
include_tags | Include fan tags into payload on result |
include_business_opt_ins | Include business opt ins into payload on result |
name | Name or Email of the person in question |
crm_active_days | |
crm_inactive_days | |
crm_start_active_date | |
crm_end_active_date | |
fan_youngest_age | |
fan_oldest_age | |
fan_incl_snapshot_uids | |
fan_excl_snapshot_uids | |
fan_tags | |
fan_tag_relations | |
fan_networks | |
fan_is_subscribed | |
fan_is_optout | |
fan_is_phone_subscribed | |
fan_postal_codes | |
fan_provinces | |
fan_rating | |
fan_gender | |
fan_source | |
fan_metro_areas | |
fan_start_creation_date | Format YYYY-MM-DD |
fan_end_creation_date | Format YYYY-MM-DD |
idol_names | |
idol_relations | |
ticket_event_name | |
ticket_price_code | |
ticket_start_purchase_date | |
ticket_end_purchase_date | |
ticket_venue_name | |
ticket_venue_provinces | |
ticket_purchased_days | |
ticket_artist_name | |
ticket_start_event_date | |
ticket_end_event_date | |
ticket_seat_price_min | |
ticket_seat_price_max | |
ticket_seat_count_min | |
ticket_seat_count_max | |
ticket_sales_count_min | |
ticket_sales_count_max | |
ticket_is_negative | |
search_uid | If this parameter is supplied, we will continue returning records from previous search execution |
limit | Maximum page size. Has to be less than a 1000 |
max_count | Maximum total number of records retrieved. Max value of 1,000,000. Default = 100,000 |
Array with Meta structure as part of result
Resulting Structure
fan_id | |
account_id | |
name | |
first_name | |
last_name | |
province | |
latitude | |
longitude | |
creation_timestamp | |
ip_address | |
country_code | |
city | |
is_subscribed | |
is_phone_subscribed | |
rating | |
phone | |
birth_date | |
metro_area | |
postal_code | |
fields | |
gender | |
tags | |
last_page_tab_id | |
last_campaign_name | |
opted_in_business_ids |
Required Scope: crm
Get the latest updated fans. The last_update_date parameter can be used to get fans which were updated after a particular date. The min_time_key can be used to fetch the next page of updated fans. Each page has a size limit of 1000.
Input Parameters
last_update_date | yyyy-mm-dd. Gets latest fans having last update date after this date. |
min_time_key | The time key used to fetch the next page of updated fans. The format is '<unix_time>_<milliseconds>_<fan_id>'. Use the max_fan_time_key returned in the meta structure of previous request for fetching the next page. |
Structure: {'meta': { 'min_fan_time_key':'xxx', 'max_fan_time_key':xxx, 'count':xxx }, 'data':[] }. Data is array with following elements
Resulting Structure
fan_id | |
account_id | |
first_name | |
last_name | |
latitude | |
longitude | |
city | |
province | |
country_code | |
metro_area | |
postal_code | |
ip_address | |
is_optout | |
is_subscribed | |
is_phone_subscribed | |
gender | |
rating | |
birth_date | |
phone | |
add_phone | |
is_confirmed | |
is_phone_confirmed | |
display_name | |
tags | |
fields | |
last_page_tab_id | |
last_campaign_name | |
fan_time_key | |
creation_timestamp | |
last_update_timestamp | |
creation_timestamp_iso | ISO creation timestamp |
last_update_timestamp_iso | ISO last update timestamp |
Required Scope: crm
Get a list of currently awarded fan points
Input Parameters
start_date * | yyyy-mm-dd. |
end_date * | yyyy-mm-dd. |
point_uid | Optionally filter by point |
fan_id | Optionally filter by fan |
Resulting Structure
fan_point_uid | |
fan_id | |
point_uid | |
creation_timestamp | |
point_count | |
page_tab_id | |
ip_address | |
point_source | |
session_uid | |
award_signature | |
activity_id | |
point_type | |
props | |
performance_uid | |
reward_uid | |
point_name |
Required Scope: crm
Award fan points
Input Parameters
point_uid * | Point for the points to be associated with |
fan_id * | Fan for the points to be associated with |
point_count * | Number of points to award (can be negative) |
point_type | One of 'points', 'atvenu', 'bestring'. Defaults to 'points' |
reward_uid | Optionally associate the points with a reward |
page_tab_id | Optionally associate the points with a campaign |
activity_id | Optionally associate the points with an activity |
session_uid | Optionally associate the points with a fan session |
award_key | Optional deduplication key |
Resulting Structure
fan_point_uid | |
fan_id | |
point_uid | |
creation_timestamp | |
point_count | |
page_tab_id | |
ip_address | |
point_source | |
session_uid | |
award_signature | |
activity_id | |
point_type | |
props | |
performance_uid | |
reward_uid | |
point_name |
Required Scope: crm
Get a fan leaderboard based on provided filters
Input Parameters
start_date | yyyy-mm-dd. One of start_date or end_date is required |
end_date | yyyy-mm-dd. One of start_date or end_date is required |
point_name * |
Array with Meta structure as part of result
Resulting Structure
fan_id | |
first_name | |
last_name | |
fan_point_count | number of points based of filter |
rank | rank of fan among all fans based on filter |
Required Scope: crm
Upsert purchases via API.
Input Parameters
purchase_key * | A unique key for this purchase, recommended format {network}-{order_key}-{line_item_id} |
network * | The network that the purchase originated from. |
order_key * | An identifier for the order. Typically, an order will have multiple order items / purchases. |
merchant_key * | An identifier for a specific merchant/seller which made the sale. |
order_timestamp * | The timestamp when the purchase was made. |
gross_sale_amount * | The gross sale amount made on this purchase. |
net_sale_amount * | The net sale amount made on this purchase. |
location_key | An identifier for specific location that the purchase was made. |
customer_key | An identifier for the customer of this purchase. |
The customer's email. | |
phone | The customer's phone. |
country | The customer's country, can be a country code or country name. |
province | The customer's province i.e. British Columbia |
city | The customer's city i.e. Vancouver |
product_key | An identifier for the product attached to this purchase. |
product_name | A human-readable name for the product. |
product_category | The category that the product falls under. |
The newly created or updated purchase.
Resulting Structure
account_id | The tradablebits account ID |
network | The network that this purchase originates from. |
purchase_key | A unique key for this purchase. |
order_key | An identifier for the order, a single order may have multiple order items / purchases. |
location_key | An identifier for a specific location. |
merchant_key | An identifier for a specific merchant/seller. |
customer_key | An identifier for the customer associated with this purchase. |
fan_id | The fan ID associated with this purchase. |
order_timestamp | The timestamp of the purchase as a unix timestamp. |
gross_sale_amount | The gross sale amount made on this purchase. |
net_sale_amount | The net sale amount made on this purchase. |
deduction_amount | The amount deducted on this purchase such as discounts or refunds. |
product_key | An identifier for the product attached to this purchase. |
product_name | A human-readable name for the product. |
product_category | The category that this product falls under. |
The customer email associated with this purchase. | |
phone | The customer phone associated with this purchase. |
country_code | The customer's country code. |
province | The customer's province. |
city | The customer's city. |
order_timestamp_iso | The order timestamp in ISO format. |
Required Scope: crm
Search for purchases for specific products, from a specific merchant and/or location, within a date range. Responses are paginated.
Input Parameters
network * | The network that the purchase originated from. |
start_date * | All purchases made after this date will be returned. |
end_date * | All purchases made before this date will be returned. |
product_name | A product name, this field is a search field so all product names which contain this string will be returned. |
merchant_key | Only return purchases which come from a specific merchant. |
location_key | Only return purchases which are from a specific location. |
next_purchase_key | Used for pagination, each response will contain a next_purchase_key field if there is more data to be fetched. |
Structure: {'meta': {'page_size': 500, 'next_purchase_key': 'somestring', 'count': 30}, 'data':[] }. Data is array with following elements
Resulting Structure
account_id | The tradablebits account ID |
network | The network that this purchase originates from. |
purchase_key | A unique key for this purchase. |
order_key | An identifier for an order, a single order may have multiple order items / purchases. |
location_key | An identifier for a specific location. |
merchant_key | An identifier for a specific merchant/seller. |
customer_key | An identifier for the customer associated with this order. |
fan_id | The fan ID associated with this purchase. |
order_timestamp | The timestamp of the purchase as a unix timestamp. |
gross_sale_amount | The gross sale amount made on this purchase. |
net_sale_amount | The net sale amount made on this purchase. |
deduction_amount | The amount deducted on this purchase such as discounts or refunds. |
product_key | An identifier for the product attached to this purchase. |
product_name | A human-readable name for the product. |
product_category | The category that this product falls under. |
The customer email associated with this purchase_key. | |
phone | The customer phone associated with this purchase_key. |
country_code | The customer's country code. |
province | The customer's province. |
city | The customer's city. |
order_timestamp_iso | The order timestamp in ISO format. |
Required Scope: crm
Download incremental list of tickets for the account. Paging is implemented with help of usage of max_ticket_id and min_ticket_id parameters. In the first call, system will include in meta information about given IDs. Now, by supplying min_ticket_id you can fetch next batch of records.
Input Parameters
min_ticket_id | Window Specifier. Will return only tickets with ticket_id greater than given |
max_ticket_id | Window Specifier. Will return only tickets with ticket_id less than given |
min_purchase_date | Date filter option. Will return only tickets on or after a given date |
max_purchase_date | Date filter option. Will return only tickets on or prior to a given date |
min_last_update_date | Date filter option. Will return only tickets on or after a given date |
max_last_update_date | Date filter option. Will return only tickets on or prior to a given data |
Allows you to filter tickets to specific user/email address | |
limit | Max row count. Max. allowed value is 1000 |
data | Additional fields to include: supported value: fan |
include_deleted | If set to true, return will include deleted tickets. Default = False |
Structure: {'meta': { 'order':'desc/asc','min_ticket_id':xxx,'max_ticket_id':xxx},'data':[] }. Data is array with following elements
Resulting Structure
ticket_id | Unique Identifier for the ticket |
ticket_key | Remote Tickey Key |
account_id | Tradable Bits Acount ID |
email on the ticket | |
network | type of remote network to fetch ticket |
event_key | Event Key in remote system |
event_date | ISO date of the event |
event_name | Event Name |
purchase_timestamp | ISO Date |
paid_amount | Total Paid Amount |
num_seats | Number of tickets/seats on the purchase |
artist_name | Artist Name |
price_code | Price Code or Level |
venue_name | Name of Venue |
city | City |
province | Province or State |
country_code | ISO country code |
metro_area | DMA or CMA Area (Currently only for US/CA) |
postal_code | Postal Code / ZIP |
customer_key | ID of customer in remote system |
is_deleted | True if ticket deleted |
last_updated_timestamp | ISO date of last update |
Required Scope: crm
Get single ticket by ticket id
Single record. Data is array with following elements
Resulting Structure
ticket_id | Unique Identifier for the ticket |
ticket_key | Remote Tickey Key |
account_id | Tradable Bits Acount ID |
email on the ticket | |
network | type of remote network to fetch ticket |
event_key | Event Key in remote system |
event_date | ISO date of the event |
event_name | Event Name |
purchase_timestamp | ISO Date |
paid_amount | Total Paid Amount |
num_seats | Number of tickets/seats on the purchase |
artist_name | Artist Name |
price_code | Price Code or Level |
venue_name | Name of Venue |
city | City |
province | Province or State |
country_code | ISO country code |
metro_area | DMA or CMA Area (Currently only for US/CA) |
postal_code | Postal Code / ZIP |
customer_key | ID of customer in remote system |
is_deleted | True if ticket deleted |
last_updated_timestamp | ISO date of last update |
Required Scope: crm
Create new ticket and Corresponding Fan Record
Input Parameters
first_name * | |
last_name * | |
email * | |
purchase_timestamp * | YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS in GMT timezone |
paid_amount * | Numeric value for line item |
num_seats * | Number of seats purchased |
event_date * | ISO8601 Encoded String |
event_name * | |
phone | |
customer_key | Key of the customer in the remote system |
ticket_key | Optional. Unique identifier for the line item (i.e. unique per price code and amount). |
price_code | Optional. Price level or code of line item |
is_subscribed | Subscribed to email |
is_phone_subscribed | Subscribed to phone |
city | |
province | |
postal_code | |
country_code | |
artist_name | |
venue_name | |
event_key | |
network | |
order_key | |
is_deleted | Boolean Value |
fan_source | Text identifier if fan is to be created |
Created Record. Data will be returned as it was loaded in the system. I.e. sanitized
Resulting Structure
event_date | |
event_key | |
artist_name | |
venue_name | |
event_name | |
ticket_id | |
ticket_key | |
price_code | |
purchase_timestamp | |
paid_amount | |
num_seats | |
network | |
fan_id | |
first_name | |
last_name | |
phone | |
is_subscribed | |
is_phone_subscribed | |
province | |
country_code | |
city | |
metro_area | |
postal_code | |
order_key | |
is_deleted | |
last_update_timestamp | |
status | success or duplicate if ticket already exists |
Required Scope: crm
Create up to 100 new tickets and Corresponding Fan Records. Takes in a list of tickets with the same structure and requirements as POST /v1/crm/tickets
Input Parameters
first_name * | |
last_name * | |
email * | |
paid_amount * | Numeric value for line item |
num_seats * | Number of seats purchased |
purchase_timestamp * | YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS in GMT timezone |
event_date * | ISO8601 Encoded String |
event_name * | |
event_key * | |
phone | |
customer_key | Key of the customer in the remote system |
ticket_key | Unique identifier for the line item (i.e. unique per price code and amount). |
price_code | Price level or code of line item |
is_subscribed | Subscribed to email |
is_phone_subscribed | Subscribed to phone |
city | |
province | |
postal_code | |
country_code | |
artist_name | |
venue_name | |
network | |
order_key | |
is_deleted | Boolean Value |
A list of Created Records. Data will be returned as it was loaded in the system. I.e. sanitized
Resulting Structure
ticket_id | |
account_id | |
ticket_key | |
customer_dsn | |
network | |
purchase_timestamp | |
paid_amount | |
order_amount | |
num_seats | |
fan_id | |
event_date | |
event_name | |
event_key | |
artist_name | |
venue_name | |
price_code | |
city | |
province | |
country_code | |
customer_key | |
postal_code | |
metro_area | |
venue_province | |
order_key | |
ticket_category | |
import_uid | |
is_deleted | |
ticket_type | |
ticket_type_category | |
creation_timestamp | |
last_update_timestamp | |
status |
Required Scope: crm
Get all event tickets or search by event_name, event_key, event_date or venue_name
Input Parameters
event_name | Must be exact name |
event_key | |
event_date | Format YYYY-MM-DD |
network | |
venue_name | Must be exact name |
is_ticketless_only | Boolean, not allowed to be passed in combination with event_key, event_date, event_name or venue_name |
Structure: {'meta': { 'count': ### }, 'data': []}. Data is an array with the following elements
Resulting Structure
event_uid | Unique identifier for the event |
account_id | |
event_key | |
event_name | |
venue_name | |
artist_name | |
event_date | |
creation_timestamp | |
network | |
notes | |
label_name | |
event_type |
Required Scope: crm
Create, update or delete a ticket event.
Input Parameters
action | create / update / delete. Defaults to create |
event_uid | Unique identifier for the event. Required for delete. Event_uid or event_key required for update |
event_name * | Must be exact name |
event_key * | |
event_date * | Format YYYY-MM-DD |
network * | |
venue_name | |
artist_name | |
notes | |
label_name | |
event_type |
Created Record. Data will be returned as it was loaded in the system. I.e. sanitized
Resulting Structure
event_uid | |
account_id | |
event_key | |
event_name | |
venue_name | |
artist_name | |
event_date | |
creation_timestamp | |
network | |
notes | |
label_name | |
event_type | |
status |
Required Scope: crm
Get stats for tickets over a specified time range.
Input Parameters
max_purchase_date | Format YYYY-MM-DD. |
min_purchase_date | Format YYYY-MM-DD. |
event_name | Must be exact name. |
event_key | |
event_date | Format YYYY-MM-DD. |
venue_name | Must be exact name |
artist_name | |
event_specific | Format 'true' or 'false'. Determines whether new/returning stats are by date only or by event as well. Default = False |
Single record. Data is an object with the following elements
Resulting Structure
returning_fans_count | |
new_fans_count | |
sales_count | |
seats_count | |
revenue |
Required Scope: crm
Query Wristband/RFID registrations from the database
Input Parameters
start_date | Date filter option. Will return only tickets on or after a given date |
end_date | Date filter option. Will return only tickets on or prior a given date |
Allows you to filter tickets to specific user/email address | |
limit | Max row count. Default = 1000 |
Structure: {'meta': { 'count':xxx },'data':[] }. Data is array with following elements
Resulting Structure
registration_key | Unique Identifier for the registration |
order_key | Remote Ticket Key |
account_id | Tradable Bits Account ID |
email on the ticket | |
event_date | ISO date of the event |
registration_timestamp | Timestamp of registration. Unix Time |
creation_timestamp | Timestamp of import. Unix Time |
price_code | Price Code or Level |
Required Scope: crm
Create new registration and Corresponding Fan Record
Input Parameters
first_name * | |
last_name * | |
phone | |
email * | |
registration_key * | Unique identifier for the line item |
registration_timestamp * | YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS in GMT timezone |
order_key | |
price_code | Price level or code of line item |
event_date | Date of the Event. ISO Date |
Created Record. Data will be returned as it was loaded in the system. I.e. sanitized
Resulting Structure
registration_key | Unique Identifier for the registration |
order_key | Remote Ticket Key |
account_id | Tradable Bits Account ID |
email on the ticket | |
event_date | ISO date of the event |
registration_timestamp | Timestamp of registration. Unix Time |
creation_timestamp | Timestamp of import. Unix Time |
price_code | Price Code or Level |
Required Scope: crm
Get registration and scan data by scan_group_name. Results are ordered by scan_key ascending.
Input Parameters
scan_group_name * | scan_group_name / group_set_name identifier for different groups of scans. |
start_date * | Scan creation start_date, scans between start_date and end_date will be fetched. |
end_date * | Scan creation end_date, scans between start_date and end_date will be fetched |
network * | The ticketing network. |
next_scan_key | Used for pagination, each response will contain a 'next_scan_key' value which is to be supplied in the subsequent request in order to page through all records in the response. It does not need to be supplied on the first request to this endpoint. |
venue_name | Venue name for the event. |
event_date | Date of the event. |
Scan and registration data.
Resulting Structure
scan_key | An identifier associated with this scan |
account_id | TradableBits account ID |
network | Network associated with this scan |
fan_id | Fan ID associated with this scan |
event_key | The event key linked to this scan |
is_success | Boolean field, represents whether the scan was successful |
access_mode | The type of scan i.e. IN, OUT |
scan_group_name | The group_set_name / scan_group_name for this scan. |
site_name | Site name associated with this scan. |
site_id | The integer ID for the site. |
node_name | |
zone_name | |
scan_timestamp | The time that scan occurred |
registration_key | The registration key. |
ticket_order_key | The order key of the associated ticket. |
event_name | The name of the event linked to the registration |
event_date | The date of the event linked to the registration. |
venue_name | Venue name linked to the registration |
first_name | |
last_name | |
phone | |
country_code | |
province | |
postal_code | |
registration_timestamp | Timestamp when registration occurred |
barcode | Wristband barcode associated with this scan/registration. |
Required Scope: crm
Create new Fan Record
Input Parameters
first_name | |
last_name | |
password | |
display_name | |
gender | Must be male, female, diverse, other, or empty. |
is_subscribed | true/false/on/off |
is_phone_subscribed | |
phone | |
birth_date | |
ip_address | |
latitude | |
longitude | |
business_<business_id> | Send business_<business_id> as the field and true/false/on/off as the value. True indicates a fan is opted in to the business, false will opt a fan out of the business. |
fan_source | Text identifier if fan is to be created |
Created Record
Resulting Structure
fan_id | |
account_id | |
name | |
first_name | |
last_name | |
province | |
latitude | |
longitude | |
creation_timestamp | |
ip_address | |
country_code | |
city | |
is_subscribed | |
is_phone_subscribed | |
rating | |
phone | |
birth_date | |
metro_area | |
postal_code | |
fields | |
gender | |
tags |
Required Scope: crm
Get fan identifiers for a specific Fan ID
A list of fan identifiers
Resulting Structure
account_id | |
fan_id | |
network | |
identifier_value | |
creation_timestamp | |
creation_timestamp_iso |
Required Scope: crm
Get Specific fan record via ID
Following structure
Resulting Structure
fan_id | |
account_id | |
name | |
first_name | |
last_name | |
province | |
latitude | |
longitude | |
creation_timestamp | |
ip_address | |
country_code | |
city | |
is_subscribed | |
is_phone_subscribed | |
rating | |
phone | |
birth_date | |
metro_area | |
postal_code | |
fields | |
gender | |
tags |
Required Scope: crm
Update Fan Record
Input Parameters
first_name | |
last_name | |
password | |
display_name | |
gender | Must be male, female, diverse, other, or empty. |
is_subscribed | true/false/on/off |
is_phone_subscribed | |
phone | |
birth_date | |
ip_address | |
country_code | |
province | If used, country_code is required |
city | If used, country_code is required |
postal_code | If used, country_code is required |
business_<business_id> | Send business_<business_id> as the field and true/false/on/off as the value. True indicates a fan is opted in to the business, false will opt a fan out of the business. |
Updated Record
Resulting Structure
fan_id | |
account_id | |
name | |
first_name | |
last_name | |
province | |
latitude | |
longitude | |
creation_timestamp | |
ip_address | |
country_code | |
city | |
is_subscribed | |
rating | |
phone | |
birth_date | |
metro_area | |
postal_code | |
fields | |
gender | |
tags |
Required Scope: crm
Delete Record
Required Scope: crm
Get Fan points
Following structure
Resulting Structure
fan_id | |
point_uid | |
point_name | |
point_count |
Required Scope: crm
award a fan points
Input Parameters
point_name * | |
point_count * |
Required Scope: crm
Fetch list of idols for a given Fan
Input Parameters
label_name | Limit Idols to a specific label |
Array of Idols
Resulting Structure
spotify_follower_count | |
spotify_uid | |
description | |
account_id | |
idol_uid | |
idol_name | |
media_uid | |
image_url | |
idol_type |
Required Scope: crm
Add or remove idol association
Input Parameters
action * | add/delete |
idol_uid | One of idol_uid or idol_name is required. |
idol_name | Name for a given (as alternative to UUID). One of idol_uid or idol_name is required. |
Array of current Fan Idols
Resulting Structure
spotify_follower_count | |
spotify_uid | |
description | |
account_id | |
idol_uid | |
idol_name | |
media_uid | |
image_url | |
idol_type |
Required Scope: crm
Obtain a list of known registrations for the fan. Registration is tied to RFID bracelet or some form of ticket
Input Parameters
limit | Record Limit |
Array of records
Resulting Structure
registration_key | |
account_id | |
ticket_order_key | |
price_code | |
event_date | |
barcode | |
fan_id | |
registration_timestamp | |
creation_timestamp | |
first_name | |
last_name | |
phone | |
ticket_id | |
address | |
city | |
province | |
country_code | |
postal_code | |
birth_date | |
is_minor |
Required Scope: crm
Create new Registration Record for a given Fan
Input Parameters
registration_timestamp | |
ticket_order_key | |
price_code | |
event_date | |
barcode | |
registration_timestamp | |
first_name | |
last_name | |
phone | |
ticket_id | |
address | |
city | |
province | |
country_code | |
postal_code | |
birth_date | |
is_minor |
Array of latest registrations
Resulting Structure
registration_key | |
account_id | |
ticket_order_key | |
price_code | |
event_date | |
barcode | |
fan_id | |
registration_timestamp | |
creation_timestamp | |
first_name | |
last_name | |
phone | |
ticket_id | |
address | |
city | |
province | |
country_code | |
postal_code | |
birth_date | |
is_minor |
Required Scope: crm
Obtain a list of activities for a given Fan
Input Parameters
limit | Record Limit |
campaign_title | Limit results to specific campaign |
Array of records
Resulting Structure
account_id | |
fan_id | |
creation_date | |
campaign_title | |
props |
Required Scope: crm
Create new Activity Record for a given Fan
Input Parameters
campaign_title * | Name of custom campaign |
field_* | Additional meta data as per defined custom fields |
Array of latest activities
Resulting Structure
account_id | |
fan_id | |
creation_date | |
campaign_title | |
props |
Required Scope: crm
Get array of defined custom fields on the account
Resulting Structure
crm_field_key | |
account_id | |
field_type | |
creation_timestamp | |
field_options | |
is_active | |
is_global |
Required Scope: crm
Get array of search filters
Input Parameters
group name | Filter group name |
creation_start_date | String in the form 'YYYY-MM-DD' |
creation_end_date | String in the form 'YYYY-MM-DD' |
Array of search filters
Resulting Structure
filter_uid | |
filter_name | |
account_id | |
creation_timestamp | |
last_search_count |
Required Scope: crm
Get stats pertaining to fans captured by the filter provided
Input Parameters
filter_name * |
Fan stats object based on filter supplied
Resulting Structure
fans | Object containing general information such as total number of fans |
fan_demographics | Object containing gender and fan rating breakdowns |
top_countries | Object showing fan locations by country |
top_metro_areas | Object showing fan locations by metro area |
top_locations | Object showing fan locations by region with further breakdowns |
fan_metrics | Age, gender, and rating counts |
postal_demographics | Census breakdown percentages by ethnicity, education, income, family makeup |
Required Scope: crm
Get list of monitored ip addresses on the account
Resulting Structure
page_tab_id | |
ip_address | |
is_blocked | True if the address is banned, false if it is allowed |
creation_timestamp |
Required Scope: crm
Block or allow an IP address or CIDR
Input Parameters
ip_address * | IP Address or CIDR |
is_blocked * | True to ban users at this ip address, false to allow them |
page_tab_id | If included, will ban or allow the given address for only this page tab |
The created record
Resulting Structure
page_tab_id | |
ip_address | |
is_blocked | True if the address is banned, false if it is allowed |
creation_timestamp |
Required Scope: crm
Delete a blocked or allowed IP Address
Input Parameters
ip_address * | IP Address or CIDR |
is_blocked * | |
page_tab_id |
The deleted record
Resulting Structure
page_tab_id | |
ip_address | |
is_blocked | True if the address is banned, false if it is allowed |
creation_timestamp |
Streams Calls
Required Scope: streams
Produce a list of currently available streams.
Resulting Structure
stream_key | |
account_id | |
creation_timestamp | |
stream_name | |
props | |
virtual_domain | |
css_text | |
javascript_text | |
record_limit | |
trust_level | |
media_map | |
is_public |
Required Scope: streams
Search for approved records in the stream
Input Parameters
networks | |
label_key | |
sku | |
is_graphic | yes, no or empty |
min_time_key | Max and Min time keys is a way to page through results. As part of Result - system returns max_time_key/min_time_key in the data. |
max_time_key | Max and Min time keys is a way to page through results. As part of Result - system returns max_time_key/min_time_key in the data. |
q | |
start_latitude | |
end_latitude | |
start_longitude | |
end_longitude |
{meta:{min_time_key:xx, max_time_keey:xx, row_count:xxx },data:[] }
Resulting Structure
stream_key | |
feed_record_id | |
record_key | |
props | |
creation_timestamp | |
image_url | |
src_image_url | |
video_url | |
caption | |
network | |
record_url | |
latitude | |
longitude | |
links | |
link_url | |
link_name | |
author_id | |
author_user_key | |
author_screen_name | |
author_name | |
author_image_url | |
author_status |
Required Scope: streams
Create new Stream Record
Input Parameters
name | |
image_url | |
caption | |
latitude | |
longitude | |
props_* | Ability to store any meta data as part of the record |
Newly Created Record
Resulting Structure
stream_key | |
feed_record_id | |
record_key | |
props | |
creation_timestamp | |
image_url | |
src_image_url | |
video_url | |
caption | |
network | |
record_url | |
latitude | |
longitude | |
links | |
link_url | |
link_name | |
author_id | |
author_user_key | |
author_screen_name | |
author_name | |
author_image_url | |
author_status |
Required Scope: streams
Get Summary Stats on the stream
Input Parameters
data | Comma separated list of sections: words, hashtags, labels |
label_key | Label Filter |
start_time | Date filter (specified as unix time) |
end_time | Date filter (specified as unix time) |
Summary Structure Record
Resulting Structure
stream_key | |
stream_name | |
total_stored | |
total | |
approved_total | |
authors | |
reach | |
last_record_timestamp | |
words | |
hashtags | |
labels |
Required Scope: streams
Get individual record
Record Data
Resulting Structure
stream_key | |
feed_record_id | |
record_key | |
props | |
creation_timestamp | |
image_url | |
src_image_url | |
video_url | |
caption | |
network | |
record_url | |
links | |
link_url | |
link_name | |
author_id | |
author_user_key | |
author_screen_name | |
author_name | |
author_image_url | |
author_status |
Required Scope: streams
Approve individual Record or Label it accordingly
Input Parameters
action * | approve/remove/label/unlabel |
label_key |
Update Record Data
Resulting Structure
stream_key | |
feed_record_id | |
record_key | |
props | |
creation_timestamp | |
image_url | |
src_image_url | |
video_url | |
caption | |
network | |
record_url | |
links | |
link_url | |
link_name | |
author_id | |
author_user_key | |
author_screen_name | |
author_name | |
author_image_url | |
author_status |
Sessions Calls
Required Scope: sessions
This endpoint enables third party apps to pass Wifi Authentication Information
Input Parameters
network * | Connected network. Network value can drive other require arguments. Supported: facebook, spotify, email |
access_token | Mandatory for Facebook/Spotify |
Optional for Facebook/Spotify | |
first_name | Optional for Facebook/Spotify |
last_name | Optional for Facebook/Spotify |
activity_name | Reference to the Activity or Event name. |
device_id | Hardware reference if mobile app is used |
device_network | one of ios/android |
true if call is successful, error otherwise
Required Scope: sessions
Quick endpoint to confirm the entity of the registered user for the purpose of handling signup
Input Parameters
phone | One of phone or email are required |
One of phone or email are required |
Structure as below
Resulting Structure
fan_id | Fan ID of the records |
first_name | First Name |
last_name | Last Name |
Required Scope: sessions
This endpoint enables third-party apps to push email signup or some other form of activity into our CRM.
Input Parameters
One of phone or email are required | |
phone | One of phone or email are required |
first_name | |
last_name | |
birth_date | String in the form 'YYYY-MM-DD' |
city | City. country_code is required if included. |
country_code | 2 letter country code or full country name |
postal_code | Postal Code in a given country. country_code is required if included |
province | Province name. country_code is required if included |
ip_address | Will take REMOTE_ADDR if omitted |
device_id | Hardware reference if mobile app is used |
device_network | one of ios/android |
field_xxxx | Custom field value for configured custom fields |
is_unique_activity | true/false - enforce unique participation in the campaign |
campaign_name | Campaign Connection, if call is meant to be associated with campaign |
page_tab_id | Campaign Connection, if call is meant to be associated with campaign. This field should be used instead of the campaign_name field if possible and will supersede it if filled |
tag_name | CRM Tag to apply to the user. Can be specified multiple times in the payload |
tag_names | As alternative to tag_name, tags can be supplied as comma separated list |
business_id | Opt-in to a specific business, if applicable |
idol_name | Idol to associate with the user |
Structure as below
Resulting Structure
fan_id | Fan ID of the records |
activity_id | Activity ID if it was created properly |
Required Scope: sessions
This call allows to initialize new session and potentially create new fan Record in the system. It can be used for native and website integration and is essential for proper integration.
Input Parameters
network | Connected network. Network value can drive other require arguments. An empty string as network value is used to create a guest session without a fan record. Most common values: facebook, spotify, yinzcam, twitter, register, email, verify_sms, verify_email, submit_verification_code |
business_id * | |
page_tab_id | |
access_token | |
ip_address | |
name | |
phone | |
password | |
access_secret | |
is_accepted | Flag to confirm terms acceptance. Required if terms_required is returned |
device_id | |
device_network |
New Session Object (or structure to represent a step in login flow
Resulting Structure
session_uid | |
fan_id | |
account_id | |
props | |
expiration_timestamp |
Required Scope: sessions
Get existing Session using ID
Resulting Structure
session_uid | |
fan_id | |
account_id | |
props | |
expiration_timestamp |
Required Scope: sessions
Fetch current Fan Record
Following Structure
Resulting Structure
fan_id | |
account_id | |
name | |
first_name | |
last_name | |
province | |
latitude | |
longitude | |
creation_timestamp | |
ip_address | |
country_code | |
city | |
is_subscribed | |
rating | |
phone | |
birth_date | |
metro_area | |
postal_code | |
fields | |
image_url | |
gender | |
tags |
Required Scope: sessions
Update Current Fan Record
Input Parameters
first_name | |
last_name | |
password | |
is_subscribed | true/false/on/off |
is_phone_subscribed | true/false/on/off |
phone | |
birth_date | |
ip_address | |
props_* | update props |
field_* | update fields |
tag_* | update tags |
Updated Record
Resulting Structure
fan_id | |
account_id | |
name | |
first_name | |
last_name | |
province | |
latitude | |
longitude | |
creation_timestamp | |
ip_address | |
country_code | |
city | |
is_subscribed | |
is_phone_subscribed | |
rating | |
phone | |
birth_date | |
metro_area | |
postal_code | |
fields | |
image_url | |
gender | |
tags |
Required Scope: sessions
Get Fan points
Following structure
Resulting Structure
fan_id | |
point_uid | |
point_name | |
point_count |
Idols Calls
Required Scope: idols
Create new idol in the database
Input Parameters
idol_name * | Name of the new idol |
spotify_uid | Optional Spotify UID if it's available |
artist_id | Optional Artist ID |
discovery_id | Optional Discovery ID |
idol_type | Optional idol type. Valid options are 'artist', 'sponsor', 'podcast', 'team', or 'other'. If left empty, system will attempt to match a spotify artist to the name, and if it cannot be found will set type as 'other' |
idol structure
Resulting Structure
spotify_follower_count | |
spotify_uid | |
description | |
account_id | |
idol_uid | |
idol_name | |
media_uid | |
image_url | |
link_url | |
idol_type |
Required Scope: idols
Search for an idols in the database
Input Parameters
idol_name | Search Expression for an idol |
label_name | Limit Idols to a specific label |
Array of idol structures
Resulting Structure
spotify_follower_count | |
spotify_uid | |
description | |
account_id | |
idol_uid | |
idol_name | |
media_uid | |
image_url | |
link_url | |
idol_type |
Required Scope: idols
Obtain an idol for a given idol_uid
A structure for a given idol as follows
Resulting Structure
spotify_follower_count | |
spotify_uid | |
description | |
account_id | |
idol_uid | |
idol_name | |
media_uid | |
image_url | |
link_url | |
idol_type |
Required Scope: idols
Based on the search parameters return a list of Idol Events.
Input Parameters
idol_uid | |
venue_name | |
q | |
label_name | |
start_date | |
end_date |
Array of JSON records matching the search
Resulting Structure
event_uid | |
account_id | |
idol_uid | |
start_timestamp | |
end_timestamp | |
venue_name | |
city | |
province | |
country_code | |
event_url | |
ticket_url | |
label_name | |
idol_name | |
facebook_id | |
media_uid | |
image_url |
Reports Calls
Required Scope: reports
Get all shared reports associated with the current account.
Array of JSON objects as per structure below
Resulting Structure
report_uid | Identifier of the report |
report_name | Name of the report |
report_type | Type of the report. One of 'adwords_adaccount', 'app', 'artist_charts', 'business', 'crm', 'fb_adaccount', 'idol', 'idol_details', 'sms', 'stream', 'ticket_compare', 'ticket_geo', 'ticket_sales', 'tracker' |
start_date | Start date for the report's data |
end_date | End date for the report's data |
last_access_timestamp | Timestamp for when the report was last accessed |
Required Scope: reports
Get data for a shared report.
Structure: {'<report_type>': {}}. Corresponding object to the report's type is the data for the report, whose structure depends on the report's type. Below is structure for 'fb_adaccount' stats report.
Resulting Structure
spend | Total spending |
conversion | Total sales value attributable to ads |
offline_conversion | Sales value attributable to offline conversion |
conversion_count | Number of sales |
impressions | Total number of impressions |
reach | Total number of unique people reached |
frequency | Average frequency per unique person |
cpm | Cost-per-thousand |
cpa | Cost-per-action |
roi | Return on investment rate |
clicks | Total number of clicks |
ctr | Clickthrough rate |
cpc | Cost-per-click |
Ads Calls
Required Scope: ads
Create a new budget line for an ad project
Input Parameters
name * | Name of the budget line |
budget_amount * | Monetary amount of budget line |
notes * | Budget line notes |
JSON object as per structure below
Resulting Structure
project_line_uid | |
project_uid | |
creation_timestamp | |
budget_amount | |
ip_address | |
name | |
notes | |
campaign_names | |
currency | |
creation_timestamp_iso |
Misc Calls
Required Scope: misc
Get a list of recently created Trackers (last 500 trackers). The date range will default to searching between now and 31 days in the past if neither option is specified
Input Parameters
min_creation_date | Minimum date to use when searching for aggregated stats for the tracker. Must be of the format "%m/%d/%y" |
max_creation_date | Maximum date to use when searching for aggregated stats for the tracker. Must be of the format "%m/%d/%y" |
Array of JSON objects as per structure below
Resulting Structure
tracker_id | Unique identifier for tracker |
account_id | Account id associated with the tracker |
creation_timestamp | UNIX timestamp for creation |
tracker_name | Name for the tracker |
tracker_group_name | |
target_url | |
virtual_domain | |
tracker_key | |
purchase_event_wildcard | Purchase event name wildcard, used to match purchase events to trackers. |
tracker_url | |
tracker_marketing_group_name | |
network | |
attributed_purchase_count | |
attributed_purchase_amount | |
total_tracker_click_count | |
creation_timestamp_iso | Formatted yyyy-mm-dd : hh:mm:ss timestamp |
Required Scope: misc
Get individual tracker as specified by ID. The date range will default to searching between now and 31 days in the past if neither option is specified
Input Parameters
min_creation_date | Minimum date to use when searching for aggregated stats for the tracker. Must be of the format "%m/%d/%y" |
max_creation_date | Maximum date to use when searching for aggregated stats for the tracker. Must be of the format "%m/%d/%y" |
The following JSON structure will be returned if a tracker with the inputted ID exists for your account. Otherwise an error will be returned
Resulting Structure
tracker_id | Unique identifier for tracker |
account_id | Account id associated with the tracker |
creation_timestamp | UNIX timestamp for creation |
tracker_name | Name for the tracker |
tracker_group_name | |
target_url | |
virtual_domain | |
tracker_key | |
purchase_event_wildcard | Purchase event name wildcard, used to match purchase events to trackers. |
tracker_url | |
tracker_marketing_group_name | |
network | |
attributed_purchase_count | |
attributed_purchase_amount | |
total_tracker_click_count | |
creation_timestamp_iso | Formatted yyyy-mm-dd : hh:mm:ss timestamp |
Required Scope: misc
Create New Tracker for measurement of redirect performance. This call allows for the creation of Tradable Bits Trackers
Input Parameters
virtual_domain * | Domain. Must be preconfigured and setup by Tradable Bits |
target_url * | |
tracker_name * | Name for the tracker, maximum 128 characters |
tracker_group_name * | |
network | spotify, instagram, facebook, google, X or custom. Will default to custom if not specified or not in the list of valid networks |
tracker_key | Must be alphanumeric. One will be generated if not supplied |
purchase_event_wildcard | Purchase event name wildcard, used to match purchase events from sales pixel to trackers. |
tracker_marketing_group_name | Max length 64 characters |
page_tab_id |
Upon Success, call will return a structure for created tracker
Resulting Structure
tracker_id | Unique identifier for tracker |
account_id | Account id associated with the tracker |
creation_timestamp | UNIX timestamp for creation |
tracker_name | Name for the tracker |
tracker_group_name | |
target_url | |
virtual_domain | |
tracker_key | |
tracker_url | |
tracker_marketing_group_name | |
attributed_purchase_count | |
attributed_purchase_amount | |
total_tracker_click_count | |
creation_timestamp_iso | Formatted yyyy-mm-dd : hh:mm:ss timestamp |
Required Scope: misc
This call allows to store and retrieve back json data structure. Primary use for this call is some form of simple voting, which doesn't require any cheater or inappropriate use detection
Input Parameters
props | Data structure to save |
The value currently stored under this prop_name
Required Scope: misc
Get regional information from an IP address
Input Parameters
ip_address | IPv4 or IPv6 address. otherwise caller ip will be used |
Regional information associated with that IP address
Resulting Structure
city | |
region_name | |
latitude | |
longitude | |
country_name | |
postal_code |
Required Scope: misc
Lookup product on Shopify
Input Parameters
query |
A list of matching shopify products
Required Scope: misc
Part of the integration with Yinzcam for push tokens sync
Input Parameters
user_key * | |
push_token * | |
device_network * |
Boolean Value of True
Required Scope: misc
Fetch ad stats for the account
Input Parameters
start_date * | |
end_date * | |
network |
A list of structures with the following fields
Resulting Structure
network | Ad platform, e.g. facebook, twitter |
spend | |
impressions | |
clicks | |
conversion_amount | |
conversion_count | |
offline_conversion_amount | |
offline_conversion_count | |
custom_conversion_count | |
custom_conversion_amount | |
custom_offline_conversion_count | |
custom_offline_conversion_amount | |
roas |
Required Scope: misc
Get all account performances
List of performance records
Resulting Structure
performance_uid | Identifier for performance |
account_id | |
performance_name | |
performance_date | |
fb_ad_account_id | |
metro_area | Venue metro area |
creation_timestamp | |
onsale_date | |
venue_name | |
display_venue_name | |
promoter | |
artist_name | |
additional_artist_names | |
campaign_event_key | |
province | Venue Province |
country_code | Venue Country Code |
city | Venue City |
performance_url | |
status | |
announce_date | |
buying_group | |
notes | |
performance_group_name | |
venue_uid | |
business_id | |
fb_event_id | |
label_name | |
is_valid_idol | Performance is associated with a valid idol in Tbits system |
outlet | |
vendor |
Required Scope: misc
Get single performance
Single performance records
Resulting Structure
performance_uid | Identifier for performance |
account_id | |
performance_name | |
performance_date | |
fb_ad_account_id | |
metro_area | Venue metro area |
creation_timestamp | |
onsale_date | |
venue_name | |
display_venue_name | |
promoter | |
artist_name | |
additional_artist_names | |
campaign_event_key | |
province | Venue Province |
country_code | Venue Country Code |
city | Venue City |
performance_url | |
status | |
announce_date | |
buying_group | |
notes | |
performance_group_name | |
venue_uid | |
business_id | |
fb_event_id | |
label_name | |
is_valid_idol | Performance is associated with a valid idol in Tbits system |
outlet | |
vendor |
Required Scope: misc
Create a new performance. Take note that this endpoint does not require a secret key unlike other endpoints for performances.
Input Parameters
performance_name * | |
performance_date * | Format YYYY-MM-DD |
onsale_date | Format YYYY-MM-DD |
announce_date | Format YYYY-MM-DD |
fb_ad_account_id | |
venue_uid | |
promoter | |
artist_name | |
campaign_event_key | |
performance_url | Must begin with https:// |
status | draft, ready, or archived |
buying_group | Under 32 characters |
notes | |
performance_group_name | Under 128 characters |
business_id | |
fb_event_id | |
label_name | |
additional_artist_names | List of strings |
outlet | |
vendor |
New performance record
Resulting Structure
performance_uid | Identifier for performance |
account_id | |
performance_name | |
performance_date | |
fb_ad_account_id | |
metro_area | Venue metro area |
creation_timestamp | |
onsale_date | |
venue_name | |
display_venue_name | |
promoter | |
artist_name | |
additional_artist_names | |
campaign_event_key | |
province | Venue Province |
country_code | Venue Country Code |
city | Venue City |
performance_url | |
status | |
announce_date | |
buying_group | |
notes | |
performance_group_name | |
venue_uid | |
business_id | |
fb_event_id | |
label_name | |
is_valid_idol | Performance is associated with a valid idol in Tbits system |
outlet | |
vendor |
Required Scope: misc
Update performance
Input Parameters
performance_name * | |
performance_date * | Format YYYY-MM-DD |
onsale_date | Format YYYY-MM-DD |
announce_date | Format YYYY-MM-DD |
fb_ad_account_id | |
venue_uid | |
promoter | |
artist_name | |
campaign_event_key | |
performance_url | Must begin with https:// |
status | draft, ready, or archived |
buying_group | Under 32 characters |
notes | |
performance_group_name | Under 128 characters |
business_id | |
fb_event_id | |
label_name | |
additional_artist_names | List of strings |
Updated performance record
Resulting Structure
performance_uid | Identifier for performance |
account_id | |
performance_name | |
performance_date | |
fb_ad_account_id | |
metro_area | Venue metro area |
creation_timestamp | |
onsale_date | |
venue_name | |
display_venue_name | |
promoter | |
artist_name | |
additional_artist_names | |
campaign_event_key | |
province | Venue Province |
country_code | Venue Country Code |
city | Venue City |
performance_url | |
status | |
announce_date | |
buying_group | |
notes | |
performance_group_name | |
venue_uid | |
business_id | |
fb_event_id | |
label_name | |
is_valid_idol | Performance is associated with a valid idol in Tbits system |
Required Scope: misc
Delete performance
Empty object
Required Scope: misc
Get account template portals
Template portal record(s)
Resulting Structure
portal_uid | |
account_id | |
portal_name | |
performance_group_name | |
password | |
templates_created | Number of templates created |
creation_timestamp | |
last_access_timestamp |
Required Scope: misc
Get single template portal
Template portal record
Resulting Structure
portal_uid | |
account_id | |
portal_name | |
performance_group_name | |
password | |
templates_created | Number of templates created |
creation_timestamp | |
last_access_timestamp |
Required Scope: misc
Create template portal
Input Parameters
portal_name * | |
performance_group_name * | |
password | Including will require the given password when accessing the portal |
New template portal record
Resulting Structure
portal_uid | |
account_id | |
portal_name | |
performance_group_name | |
password | |
templates_created | Number of templates created |
creation_timestamp | |
last_access_timestamp |
Required Scope: misc
Update template portal
Input Parameters
portal_name * | |
performance_group_name * | |
password | Including will require the given password when accessing the portal |
Updated template portal record
Resulting Structure
portal_uid | |
account_id | |
portal_name | |
performance_group_name | |
password | |
templates_created | Number of templates created |
creation_timestamp | |
last_access_timestamp |
Required Scope: misc
Delete template portal
Empty object
Apps Calls
Required Scope: apps
Get a Public Leaderboard
Input Parameters
session_uid | A valid session identifier for logged in user. Required for friends_only = true |
friends_only | Only return leaderboard info for friends of the logged in user |
An array of following rows
Resulting Structure
fan_id | |
display_name | |
correct_answer_count | |
points | |
clicker_points |
Required Scope: apps
Get a list of campaigns on the account
Input Parameters
app_type | Limit Results to specific type |
is_scheduled | Whether or not campaign is included into scheduler |
business_id | Limit request to specific business |
An array of structures with following fields
Resulting Structure
page_tab_id | |
name | |
app_type | |
creation_timestamp | |
live_status | |
business_id | |
is_scheduled | |
is_active | |
media_map | |
timezone | |
props | |
locale_props | |
style_props | |
links_map |
Required Scope: apps
Get a list of businesses on the account
An array of structures with following fields
Resulting Structure
legal_rules | |
legal_terms | |
legal_privacy | |
business_id | |
business_name | |
media_map | |
scheduler_props | |
locale_props | |
style_props |
Required Scope: apps
Get a specific Business record given ID
structure with following fields
Resulting Structure
legal_rules | |
legal_terms | |
legal_privacy | |
business_id | |
business_name | |
media_map | |
scheduler_props | |
locale_props | |
style_props |
Required Scope: apps
Obtain statistical data for a specific bundle campaign
Input Parameters
start_date | Date filter for stats |
end_date | Date filter for stats |
A structure with following keys
Resulting Structure
summary | A dictionary of summary data for all campaigns included in the bundle with keys [start_date, end_date, total_views, total_shares, total_entries, total_optins] |
bundles | A list of dictionaries representing all campaigns included in the bundle with keys [name, page_tab_id, views, shares, entries, opt_ins, max_views |
Required Scope: apps
Obtain statistical data on executed campaign
Input Parameters
start_date | Date filter for stats |
end_date | Date filter for stats |
A structure with following fields
Resulting Structure
page_tab_id | |
name | |
total_entries | |
fan_count | |
view_count | |
unique_view_count | |
subscribers | Number of unique fans who subscribe to at least one of phone or email |
phone_subscribers | Number of phone subscribers |
email_subscribers | Number of email subscribers |
Required Scope: apps
Fetch detailed stats for a campaign
Input Parameters
target * | One of leaderboard, fan_points, quiz_results, clicker_results, chat_history, overlay_timeline, feed_switching, websocket_connections,websocket_raw_connections,wager_points |
start_timestamp | Date filter |
end_timestamp | Date filter |
tab_item_id | Filter to specific tab items for target = wager_points |
Array of objects depending on your requested target
Required Scope: apps
Get all props for a specific page tab
A structure of campaign props with configured attributes
Required Scope: apps
Fetch configuration of existing campaign for custom visual or other purposes
Input Parameters
include_details | Boolean value to include details like quiz questions/tab items/etc. |
A structure of campaign with configured attributes
Required Scope: apps
Fetch total fan points for a campaign
Input Parameters
start_timestamp | Date filter |
end_timestamp | Date filter |
A structure with following fields
Resulting Structure
total_points |
Required Scope: apps
Fetch entries for a wager campaign
Input Parameters
q | Query string |
start_date | Date filter |
end_date | Date filter |
An array of Structures with following fields
Resulting Structure
tab_item_id | |
page_tab_id | |
creation_date | |
title | |
subtitle | |
description | |
tag_id | |
tag_name | |
position | |
active_date | |
props | |
inventory_count | |
item_count | |
item_group_name | |
activation_timestamp | |
price | |
media_uid | |
items_purchased | |
latitude | |
longitude | |
media_map | |
wagers |
Required Scope: apps
Fetch fan points for a campaign without any PII
Input Parameters
start_timestamp | Date filter |
end_timestamp | Date filter |
A structure with following fields
Resulting Structure
fan_id | |
point_count | |
creation_timestamp |
Required Scope: apps
Fetch fan activities for a campaign without any PII
A structure with following fields
Resulting Structure
fan_id | |
activity_id | |
creation_timestamp |
Required Scope: apps
Check-in Event Pass for Registration campaign.
Input Parameters
pass_code | 8 digit alphanumeric code. One of pass_code OR pass_uid required. |
pass_uid | UUID. One of pass_code OR pass_uid required. |
An Event Pass object with following structure
Resulting Structure
pass_uid | |
section_uid | |
claim_fan_id | |
fan_id | |
transferee_email | |
checked_in | |
pass_code |